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Support for all businesses

Over the past 40 years, GCDA has helped hundreds of people turn their ideas into reality.   


With in-depth experience of running our own businesses, creating social enterprises and delivering training, we are uniquely placed to understand the issues and challenges facing many start-ups. 


This suite of training courses has been designed to help you draw up a business plan and get going. We cover; how to find the right business (or social enterprise) model, effective market research, access to finance, financial management, web design, PR and social media management. We also offer specialist training for food businesses looking at everything from food safety to menu analysis. ​  


This suite of training has been designed to support start-up and new businesses through the following courses:

  • Business Start-up Training  & 10-week Launch your Food Business - turning your dream into a reality

  • Financial Management - getting to grips with financial management

  • Web Design - building the perfect website from scratch

  • Making Social Media work - helping you get the most from social media

  • Effective Market Research - building your business using the best tools and skills

  • Market Trader Training - learn how to become a market trader

  • Telling Your Story - making PR work for you

  • Food Safety Systems for Food Businesses - Don't let a poor food hygiene rating destroy your business

  • Nutrionally Analyse your Menus - Nutritionally analyse menus to ensure the success of your business

  • Creating a Social Enterprise - Find out everything about starting a social enterprise

  • Understanding Access to Finance - Understand how to access finance for your small business


Scroll down for courses and dates.   


Training is usually delivered online unless stated otherwise and is free to London residents. For further information, please contact or call 020 8269 4895

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